netcdf C1/BECOOL/ { dimensions: time = 2051; range = 1400; variables: long time(time=2051); :standard_name = "time"; :long_name = "median time of the lidar measurement"; :units = "milliseconds since 2021-11-16T00:06:49.500000"; :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian"; long time_start(time=2051); :long_name = "beginning of the lidar measurement"; :coordinates = "sequence_idx"; :units = "seconds since 2021-11-16 00:01:29"; :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian"; long time_stop(time=2051); :long_name = "end of the lidar measurement"; :coordinates = "sequence_idx"; :units = "seconds since 2021-11-16 00:12:10"; :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian"; long range(range=1400); :standard_name = "range"; :long_name = "distance between the instrument and the sounded level"; :units = "m"; double sequence_idx(time=2051); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "index_of_sequences_of_observations"; :long_name = "index_of_sequences_of_observations_(typically 10 minutes sequences)"; double night_idx(time=2051); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "index_of_nights_of_observations"; :long_name = "index_of_nights_of_observations"; :coordinates = "sequence_idx"; double alti(time=2051); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "altitude"; :long_name = "instrument height above the geoid (low resolution of EGM96)"; :units = "m"; :comment = "from TSEN data"; :coordinates = "sequence_idx longitude latitude"; double lat(time=2051); :comment = "from TSEN data"; :coordinates = "sequence_idx longitude latitude"; :standard_name = "latitude"; :long_name = "latitude"; :units = "degree_north"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double double lon(time=2051); :standard_name = "longitude"; :long_name = "longitude"; :units = "degree_east"; :comment = "from TSEN data"; :coordinates = "sequence_idx longitude latitude"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double double ground_echo_alti(time=2051); :standard_name = "altitude_of_detected_ground_echo"; :long_name = "altitude_of_detected_ground_echo"; :coordinates = "sequence_idx longitude latitude"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double :units = "m"; double bt2(time=2051, range=1400); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "volume_attenuated_backwards_scattering_function_in_air"; :long_name = "volume_attenuated_backwards_scattering_function_in_air"; :coordinates = "sequence_idx longitude latitude"; :units = ""; double bt2_std(time=2051, range=1400); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "volume_attenuated_backwards_scattering_function_in_air standard_deviation"; :long_name = "volume_attenuated_backwards_scattering_function_in_air standard_deviation"; :units = ""; :coordinates = "sequence_idx longitude latitude"; double beta_part(time=2051, range=1400); :standard_name = "particular_backscatter_coefficient"; :long_name = "particular_extinction_coefficient"; :units = "sr-1.m-1"; :coordinates = "sequence_idx"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double double lidar_ratio(time=2051, range=1400); :standard_name = "particular_lidar_ratio"; :long_name = "particular_extinction_to_backscatter_ratio"; :units = "sr"; :coordinates = "sequence_idx"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double double scattering_ratio(time=2051, range=1400); :standard_name = "scattering_ratio_profile"; :long_name = "scattering_ratio_profile"; :units = "no_unit"; :comment = "ratio of total backscatter (particular + molecular) to molecular backscatter"; :coordinates = "sequence_idx"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double // global attributes: :Conventions = "CF-1.8"; :project = "Strateole-2"; :flight = "ST2_C1_13_STR1"; :instrument_name = "BeCOOL"; :product_title = "BeCOOL Particular Backscatter"; :product_version = "2.2"; :product_date = "2023-07-06"; :product_uuid = "7b62d67a-2359-40c5-8600-098841166b03"; :pi_name = "François Ravetta"; :pi_email = ""; :pi_institution = "LATMOS, Sorbonne Université"; :publisher_name = "Thomas Lesigne"; :publisher_email = ""; :publisher_institution = "LATMOS, CNRS"; :conditions_of_use_requirement = "Contact PI"; :conditions_of_use_acknowledgements = "The balloon-borne BECOOL dataset used in this [study,paper,...] was collected within Strateole-2, a French-US initiative supported by CNES, CNRS, NSF, and ESA."; :references_ref1 = "François Ravetta, Vincent Mariage, Emmanuel Brousse, Eric d\'Almeida, Frédéric Ferreira, et al.. BeCOOL: A Balloon-Borne Microlidar System Designed for Cirrus and Convective Overshoot Monitoring. EPJ Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences, 2020, The 29th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC 29), 237, 07003 (2p.). ⟨10.1051/epjconf/202023707003⟩. ⟨insu-02896973⟩"; :comments_comment1 = "Product_version 2.2: this is the version 2 of the level 2 dataset."; :keywords = "GCMD:EARTH SCIENCE,GCMD:ATMOSPHERE"; :platform = "GCMD:Balloons/Rockets,GCMD:BALLOONS"; :instrument = "GCMD:Earth Remote Sensing Instruments,GCMD:Active Remote Sensing,GCMD:Profilers/Sounders,GCMD:Lidar/Laser Sounders"; :keywords_vocabulary = "GCMD:GCMD Keywords"; :platform_vocabulary = "GCMD:GCMD Keywords"; :instrument_vocabulary = "GCMD:GCMD Keywords"; }