netcdf EUREC4A/SEAGLIDERS/sg637/ { dimensions: trajectory = 1; gc_event = 75; sg_data_point = 2520; magnetometer_data_point = 2520; gps_info = 3; string_34 = 34; string_41 = 41; string_20 = 20; string_3 = 3; string_37 = 37; string_7 = 7; string_44 = 44; string_35 = 35; string_51 = 51; string_11 = 11; string_294 = 294; string_30 = 30; string_9 = 9; string_21 = 21; string_32 = 32; string_8 = 8; string_63 = 63; string_17 = 17; string_69 = 69; string_1 = 1; string_100 = 100; string_31 = 31; string_159 = 159; string_13 = 13; string_18 = 18; string_12 = 12; string_6 = 6; string_166 = 166; string_73 = 73; string_74 = 74; string_15 = 15; string_5 = 5; variables: double surface_curr_north; :units = "cm/s"; :comment = "Northward component of surface current"; :standard_name = "surface_northward_sea_water_velocity"; double surface_curr_east; :units = "cm/s"; :comment = "Eastward component of surface current"; :standard_name = "surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity"; double start_of_climb_time; :units = "seconds"; :comment = "Elapsed seconds after dive start when second (positive) apogee pump starts"; double sg_cal_volmax; :units = "m^3"; :comment = "Maximum displaced volume of the glider"; int sg_cal_vbd_min_cnts; int sg_cal_vbd_max_cnts; double sg_cal_vbd_cnts_per_cc; double sg_cal_therm_expan; :units = "cc/degrees_Celsius"; :comment = "SG thermal expansion coeff"; double sg_cal_temp_ref; :units = "degrees_Celsius"; :comment = "Reference temperature for SG thermal expansion calculation"; double sg_cal_t_j; double sg_cal_t_i; double sg_cal_t_h; double sg_cal_t_g; double sg_cal_sbe_temp_freq_min; :units = "Hz"; :comment = "SBE41 minimum permitted temperature frequency"; double sg_cal_sbe_temp_freq_max; :units = "Hz"; :comment = "SBE41 maximum permitted temperature frequency"; double sg_cal_sbe_cond_freq_min; :units = "Hz"; :comment = "SBE41 minimum permitted conductivity frequency"; double sg_cal_sbe_cond_freq_max; :units = "Hz"; :comment = "SBE41 maximum permitted conductivity frequency"; int sg_cal_roll_min_cnts; int sg_cal_roll_max_cnts; double sg_cal_rho0; :units = "kg/m^3"; :comment = "Typical expected density of seawater for this deployment"; double sg_cal_pitchbias; :units = "degrees"; :comment = "Pitch sensor bias"; int sg_cal_pitch_min_cnts; int sg_cal_pitch_max_cnts; double sg_cal_mass; :units = "kg"; :comment = "Mass of the glider"; double sg_cal_hd_c; :comment = "Hydrodynamic induced drag factor for given hull shape (1/radians^2 of attack angle)"; double sg_cal_hd_b; :comment = "Hydrodynamic drag factor for given hull shape (Pa^(-1/4))"; double sg_cal_hd_a; :comment = "Hydrodynamic lift factor for given hull shape (1/degrees of attack angle)"; double sg_cal_ctcor; :comment = "Nominal thermal expansion factor of a cube of boro-silicate glass"; double sg_cal_cpcor; :comment = "Nominal compression factor of conductivity tube with pressure"; double sg_cal_contopt_C_0; double sg_cal_contopt_CC_6; double sg_cal_contopt_CC_5; double sg_cal_contopt_CC_4; double sg_cal_contopt_CC_3; double sg_cal_contopt_CC_2; double sg_cal_contopt_CC_1; double sg_cal_contopt_CC_0; double sg_cal_contopt_B_3; double sg_cal_contopt_B_2; double sg_cal_contopt_B_1; double sg_cal_contopt_B_0; double sg_cal_contopt_A_5; double sg_cal_contopt_A_4; double sg_cal_contopt_A_3; double sg_cal_contopt_A_2; double sg_cal_contopt_A_1; double sg_cal_contopt_A_0; double sg_cal_c_j; double sg_cal_c_i; double sg_cal_c_h; double sg_cal_c_g; double sg_cal_abs_compress; :units = "cc/dbar"; :comment = "SG vehicle compressibility"; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_Scatter700_wavelength; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_Scatter700_scaleFactor; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_Scatter700_resolution; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_Scatter700_maxOutput; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_Scatter700_darkCounts; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_FDOM_wavelength; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_FDOM_scaleFactor; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_FDOM_resolution; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_FDOM_maxOutput; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_FDOM_darkCounts; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_Chlorophyll_wavelength; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_Chlorophyll_scaleFactor; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_Chlorophyll_resolution; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_Chlorophyll_maxOutput; double sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_Chlorophyll_darkCounts; int reviewed; :comment = "Whether a scientist has reviewed and approved this profile"; double magnetic_variation; :comment = "The magnetic variance from true north (degrees)"; double log__XMS_TOUTs; double log__XMS_NAKs; double log__SM_DEPTHo; double log__SM_ANGLEo; double log__CALLS; double log_XPDR_VALID; double log_XPDR_PINGS; double log_XPDR_INHIBIT; double log_XPDR_DEVICE; double log_W_ADJ_DBAND; double log_VBD_TIMEOUT; double log_VBD_PUMP_AD_RATE_SURFACE; double log_VBD_PUMP_AD_RATE_APOGEE; int log_VBD_MIN; int log_VBD_MAXERRORS; int log_VBD_MAX; double log_VBD_DBAND; double log_VBD_CNV; double log_VBD_BLEED_AD_RATE; int log_USE_ICE; int log_USE_BATHY; int log_UPLOAD_DIVES_MAX; int log_UNCOM_BLEED; double log_T_WATCHDOG; double log_T_TURN_SAMPINT; double log_T_TURN; double log_T_RSLEEP; double log_T_NO_W; double log_T_MISSION; double log_T_LOITER; double log_T_GPS; double log_T_EPIRB; double log_T_DIVE; double log_T_BOOST; double log_T_ABORT; double log_TGT_RADIUS; double log_TGT_DEFAULT_LON; double log_TGT_DEFAULT_LAT; int log_TGT_AUTO_DEFAULT; double log_TCM_TEMP; double log_TCM_ROLL_OFFSET; double log_TCM_PITCH_OFFSET; int log_SURFACE_URGENCY_TRY; int log_SURFACE_URGENCY_FORCE; int log_SURFACE_URGENCY; int log_STROBE; double log_SPEED_FACTOR; double log_SM_CC; double log_SIM_W; double log_SIM_PITCH; double log_SEABIRD_T_J; double log_SEABIRD_T_I; double log_SEABIRD_T_H; double log_SEABIRD_T_G; double log_SEABIRD_C_J; double log_SEABIRD_C_I; double log_SEABIRD_C_H; double log_SEABIRD_C_G; double log_R_STBD_OVSHOOT; double log_R_PORT_OVSHOOT; double log_ROLL_TIMEOUT; int log_ROLL_MIN; int log_ROLL_MAXERRORS; int log_ROLL_MAX; double log_ROLL_DEG; double log_ROLL_CNV; double log_ROLL_AD_RATE; double log_ROLL_ADJ_GAIN; double log_ROLL_ADJ_DBAND; double log_RHO; :units = "gram/cc"; :comment = "Expected density at deepest point over the deployment"; int log_RELAUNCH; double log_RAFOS_PEAK_OFFSET; double log_RAFOS_HIT_WINDOW; double log_RAFOS_DEVICE; double log_RAFOS_CORR_THRESH; double log_P_OVSHOOT_WITHG; double log_P_OVSHOOT; int log_PROTOCOL; double log_PRESSURE_YINT; double log_PRESSURE_SLOPE; double log_PITCH_W_GAIN; double log_PITCH_W_DBAND; double log_PITCH_VBD_SHIFT; double log_PITCH_TIMEOUT; int log_PITCH_MIN; int log_PITCH_MAXERRORS; double log_PITCH_MAX; double log_PITCH_GAIN; double log_PITCH_DBAND; double log_PITCH_CNV; double log_PITCH_AD_RATE; double log_PITCH_ADJ_GAIN; double log_PITCH_ADJ_DBAND; int log_PHONE_SUPPLY; double log_PHONE_DEVICE; int log_N_NOSURFACE; int log_N_NOCOMM; int log_N_GPS; int log_N_FILEKB; int log_N_DIVES; int log_NOCOMM_ACTION; int log_NAV_MODE; int log_MOTHERBOARD; int log_MISSION; double log_MINV_24V; double log_MINV_10V; double log_MAX_BUOY; double log_MASS_COMP; double log_MASS; double log_LOGGERS; double log_LOGGERDEVICE4; double log_LOGGERDEVICE3; double log_LOGGERDEVICE2; double log_LOGGERDEVICE1; int log_KALMAN_USE; double log_INT_PRESSURE_YINT; double log_INT_PRESSURE_SLOPE; double log_INTERNAL_PRESSURE; int log_ID; double log_ICE_FREEZE_MARGIN; double log_HUMID; :comment = "Internal humidity"; int log_HEAPDBG; double log_HEAD_ERRBAND; double log_HEADING; double log_HD_C; :comment = "Hydrodynamic induced drag factor for given hull shape (1/degrees^2 of attack angle)"; double log_HD_B; :comment = "Hydrodynamic drag factor for given hull shape (Pa^(-1/4))"; double log_HD_A; :comment = "Hydrodynamic lift factor for given hull shape (1/degrees of attack angle)"; double log_GPS_DEVICE; double log_GLIDE_SLOPE; double log_FIX_MISSING_TIMEOUT; int log_FILEMGR; double log_FG_AHR_24Vo; double log_FG_AHR_24V; double log_FG_AHR_10Vo; double log_FG_AHR_10V; double log_FERRY_MAX; double log_ESCAPE_HEADING_DELTA; double log_ESCAPE_HEADING; double log_D_TGT; double log_D_SURF; double log_D_SAFE; double log_D_PITCH; double log_D_OFFGRID; double log_D_NO_BLEED; double log_D_GRID; double log_D_FLARE; double log_D_FINISH; double log_D_CALL; double log_D_BOOST; double log_D_ABORT; int log_DIVE; double log_DEVICE6; double log_DEVICE5; double log_DEVICE4; double log_DEVICE3; double log_DEVICE2; double log_DEVICE1; int log_DEEPGLIDER; double log_DBDW; int log_C_VBD; double log_C_ROLL_DIVE; double log_C_ROLL_CLIMB; int log_C_PITCH; double log_CP_XMITPROFILE; :comment = "Which profile to transmit back to the basestation - 0 none, 1 dive, 2 climb, 3 both"; double log_CP_UPLOADMAX; :comment = "Max size in bytes to uplaod to the basestation"; double log_CP_STARTS; double log_CP_RECORDABOVE; :units = "meters"; :comment = "Depth above above which data is recorded"; double log_CP_PROFILE; :comment = "Which part of the dive to record data for - 0 none, 1 dive, 2 climb, 3 both"; double log_COURSE_BIAS; int log_COMPASS_USE; double log_COMPASS_DEVICE; double log_COMPASS2_DEVICE; int log_COMM_SEQ; int log_CF8_MAXERRORS; int log_CAPUPLOAD; int log_CAPMAXSIZE; int log_CALL_WAIT; int log_CALL_TRIES; int log_CALL_NDIVES; double log_APOGEE_PITCH; double log_ALTIM_TOP_TURN_MARGIN; double log_ALTIM_TOP_PING_RANGE; double log_ALTIM_TOP_MIN_OBSTACLE; double log_ALTIM_SENSITIVITY; double log_ALTIM_PULSE; double log_ALTIM_PING_DEPTH; double log_ALTIM_PING_DELTA; double log_ALTIM_FREQUENCY; double log_ALTIM_BOTTOM_TURN_MARGIN; double log_ALTIM_BOTTOM_PING_RANGE; double log_AH0_24V; double log_AH0_10V; int log_AD7714Ch0Gain; double flight_avg_speed_north_gsm; :units = "m/s"; :comment = "Northward component of flight average speed based on gsm"; double flight_avg_speed_north; :units = "m/s"; :comment = "Northward component of flight average speed based on hdm"; double flight_avg_speed_east_gsm; :units = "m/s"; :comment = "Eastward component of flight average speed based on gsm"; double flight_avg_speed_east; :units = "m/s"; :comment = "Eastward component of flight average speed based on hdm"; double depth_avg_curr_north_gsm; :units = "m/s"; :comment = "Northward component of depth-average current based on gsm"; double depth_avg_curr_north; :units = "m/s"; :comment = "Northward component of the dive depth-average current based on hdm"; :standard_name = "northward_sea_water_velocity"; double depth_avg_curr_east_gsm; :units = "m/s"; :comment = "Eastward component of depth-average current based on gsm"; double depth_avg_curr_east; :units = "m/s"; :comment = "Eastward component of the dive depth-average current based on hdm"; :standard_name = "eastward_sea_water_velocity"; double avg_latitude; :units = "degrees_north"; :comment = "The average latitude of the dive"; char wlseaowl(string_8=8); :long_name = "underway virtual fluorescence FDOM puck"; :make_model = "Wetlabs virtual measurement fluorescence FDOM puck"; double vert_speed_gsm(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "cm/s"; :comment = "Vehicle vertical speed based on gsm"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double vert_speed(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "cm/s"; :comment = "Vehicle vertical speed based on hdm"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; int trajectory(trajectory=1); :comment = "Dive number for observations"; :long_name = "Unique identifier for each feature instance"; :cf_role = "trajectory_id"; double time(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00"; :comment = "Time of the sample in GMT epoch format"; :standard_name = "time"; :axis = "T"; :platform = "glider"; double theta(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "degrees_Celsius"; :comment = "Potential temperature based on corrected salinity"; :standard_name = "sea_water_potential_temperature"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; char temperature_raw_qc(sg_data_point=2520); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust each raw temperature value"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double temperature_raw(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "degrees_Celsius"; :comment = "Uncorrected temperature (in situ)"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; char temperature_qc(sg_data_point=2520); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust each corrected temperature value"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double temperature(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "degrees_Celsius"; :comment = "Termperature (in situ) corrected for thermistor first-order lag"; :standard_name = "sea_water_temperature"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; char surface_curr_qc(string_1=1); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust the surface current values"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; char speed_qc(sg_data_point=2520); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust each hdm speed value"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double speed_gsm(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "cm/s"; :comment = "Vehicle speed based on gsm"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double speed(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "cm/s"; :comment = "Vehicle speed based on hdm"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double sound_velocity(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "m/s"; :comment = "Sound velocity"; :standard_name = "speed_of_sound_in_sea_water"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double sigma_theta(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "g/m^3"; :platform = "glider"; :standard_name = "sea_water_sigma_theta"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :ref_pressure = "0"; double sigma_t(sg_data_point=2520); :comment = "Sigma based on density"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :ref_pressure = "0"; :platform = "glider"; :standard_name = "sea_water_sigma_t"; :units = "g/m^3"; char sg_cal_mission_title(string_7=7); :comment = "Description of mission"; char sg_cal_id_str(string_3=3); :comment = "Three digit vehicle identification string"; char sg_cal_comm_oxy_type(string_20=20); char sg_cal_calibcomm_contros_optode(string_41=41); char sg_cal_calibcomm(string_34=34); char sg_cal_WETLabsCalData_wlseaowl_calinfo(string_37=37); char sbe41(string_5=5); :long_name = "underway thermosalinograph"; :ancillary_variables = " sg_cal_sbe_temp_freq_min sg_cal_sbe_temp_freq_max sg_cal_sbe_cond_temp_min sg_cal_sbe_cond_temp_max sg_cal_t_g sg_cal_t_h sg_cal_t_i sg_cal_t_jsg_cal_c_g sg_cal_c_h sg_cal_c_i sg_cal_c_j sg_cal_cpcor sg_cal_ctcor"; :make_model = "unpumped Seabird SBE41"; :nodc_name = "thermosalinograph"; char salinity_raw_qc(sg_data_point=2520); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust each raw salinity value"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double salinity_raw(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "1e-3"; :comment = "Uncorrected salinity derived from temperature_raw and conductivity_raw (PSU)"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; char salinity_qc(sg_data_point=2520); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust each corrected salinity value"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double salinity(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "1e-3"; :comment = "Salinity corrected for thermal-inertia effects (PSU)"; :standard_name = "sea_water_salinity"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double pressure(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "dbar"; :comment = "Uncorrected sea-water pressure at pressure sensor"; :platform = "glider"; double north_displacement_gsm(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "meters"; :comment = "Northward displacement from gsm"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double north_displacement(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "meters"; :comment = "Northward displacement from hdm"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; char magnetometer(string_12=12); :long_name = "magnetometer"; :make_model = "magnetometer"; double longitude_gsm(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "degrees_east"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :comment = "Longitude of the sample based on gsm DAC"; :platform = "glider"; double longitude(sg_data_point=2520); :comment = "Longitude of the sample based on hdm DAC"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double :platform = "glider"; :standard_name = "longitude"; :units = "degrees_east"; :axis = "X"; double log_gps_time(gps_info=3); :units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00"; :comment = "GPS times in GMT epoch format"; :standard_name = "time"; double log_gps_lon(gps_info=3); :units = "degrees_east"; :comment = "GPS longitudes"; :standard_name = "longitude"; double log_gps_lat(gps_info=3); :units = "degrees_north"; :comment = "GPS latitudes"; :standard_name = "latitude"; char log_VBD_LP_IGNORE(string_1=1); char log_TT8_MAMPS(string_17=17); char log_TGT_NAME(string_9=9); char log_TGT_LATLONG(string_18=18); char log_STOP_T(string_7=7); char log_SPEED_LIMITS(string_11=11); char log_SM_GC(string_100=100); char log_SM_CCo(string_32=32); char log_SENSOR_SECS(string_69=69); char log_SENSOR_MAMPS(string_63=63); char log_SENSORS(string_51=51); char log_MHEAD_RNG_PITCHd_Wd(string_35=35); char log_MEM(string_6=6); char log_MAXI_24V(string_1=1); char log_MAXI_10V(string_1=1); char log_KALMAN_Y(string_44=44); char log_KALMAN_X(string_44=44); char log_KALMAN_CONTROL(string_17=17); char log_IRIDIUM_FIX(string_30=30); char log_GPS2(string_74=74); :comment = "String reported in logfile for GPS2 fix (last surface position before dive)"; char log_GPS1(string_73=73); :comment = "String reported in logfile for GPS1 fix (first surface position before dive)"; char log_GPS(string_69=69); :comment = "String reported in logfile for GPS fix (first surface position after dive)"; char log_ERRORS(string_31=31); char log_DEVICE_SECS(string_166=166); char log_DEVICE_MAMPS(string_159=159); char log_DEVICES(string_294=294); char log_DATA_FILE_SIZE(string_11=11); char log_CURRENT(string_13=13); char log_CP_RECORDAPOGEE(string_3=3); char log_CFSIZE(string_21=21); char log_CAP_FILE_SIZE(string_8=8); char log_24V_AH(string_12=12); char log_10V_AH(string_11=11); char latlong_qc(string_1=1); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust the dive estimated latitude and longitude estimates"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; double latitude_gsm(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "degrees_north"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :comment = "Latitude of the sample based on gsm DAC"; :platform = "glider"; double latitude(sg_data_point=2520); :comment = "Latitude of the sample based on hdm DAC"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double :platform = "glider"; :standard_name = "latitude"; :units = "degrees_north"; :axis = "Y"; double horz_speed_gsm(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "cm/s"; :comment = "Vehicle horizontal speed based on gsm"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double horz_speed(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "cm/s"; :comment = "Vehicle horizontal speed based on hdm"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; char hdm_qc(string_1=1); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether corrected temperatures, salinities, and velocities from the hydrodynamic model converged on a consistent solution"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; char glider(string_15=15); :nodc_name = "glider"; :call_sign = "SG637"; :long_name = "seaglider"; double glide_angle_gsm(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "cm/s"; :comment = "Glide angle based on gsm"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double glide_angle(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "cm/s"; :comment = "Glide angle based on hdm"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double gc_vbd_volts(gc_event=75); :units = "V"; double gc_vbd_secs(gc_event=75); :units = "seconds"; :comment = "Elapsed seconds since start of this VBD change"; int gc_vbd_retries(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_vbd_pot2_ad_start(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_vbd_pot2_ad(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_vbd_pot1_ad_start(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_vbd_pot1_ad(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_vbd_i(gc_event=75); :units = "A"; int gc_vbd_errors(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_vbd_ctl(gc_event=75); :units = "cm"; double gc_vbd_ad(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_st_secs(gc_event=75); :units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00"; :comment = "Start of GC time in GMT epoch format"; double gc_roll_volts(gc_event=75); :units = "V"; double gc_roll_secs(gc_event=75); :units = "seconds"; :comment = "Elapsed seconds since start of this roll change"; int gc_roll_retries(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_roll_i(gc_event=75); :units = "A"; int gc_roll_errors(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_roll_ad_start(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_roll_ad(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_pitch_volts(gc_event=75); :units = "V"; double gc_pitch_secs(gc_event=75); :units = "seconds"; :comment = "Elapsed seconds since start of this pitch change"; int gc_pitch_retries(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_pitch_i(gc_event=75); :units = "A"; int gc_pitch_errors(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_pitch_ctl(gc_event=75); :units = "cm"; double gc_pitch_ad_start(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_pitch_ad(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double gc_ob_vertv(gc_event=75); :units = "cm/s"; int gc_gcphase(gc_event=75); :flag_meanings = "pitch vbd active_roll passive_roll roll_back passive"; :flag_values = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; // int double gc_end_secs(gc_event=75); :units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00"; :comment = "End of GC time in GMT epoch format"; double gc_depth(gc_event=75); :units = "meters"; int gc_data_pts(gc_event=75); :units = "1"; double eng_wlseaowl_FL1sig(sg_data_point=2520); :comment = "As reported by instrumet Chlorophyll count"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double :instrument = "wlseaowl"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_wlseaowl_FDOMsig(sg_data_point=2520); :comment = "As reported by instrumet FDOM count"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double :instrument = "wlseaowl"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_wlseaowl_BB1sig(sg_data_point=2520); :comment = "As reported by instrumet Backscatter count"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double :instrument = "wlseaowl"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_vbdCC(sg_data_point=2520); :platform = "glider"; double eng_sbect_tempFreq(sg_data_point=2520); :comment = "As reported by the instrument"; :instrument = "sbe41"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_sbect_condFreq(sg_data_point=2520); :comment = "As reported by the instrument"; :instrument = "sbe41"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_rollCtl(sg_data_point=2520); :platform = "glider"; double eng_rollAng(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "degrees"; :comment = "Vehicle roll"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_rec(sg_data_point=2520); :platform = "glider"; double eng_pitchCtl(sg_data_point=2520); :platform = "glider"; double eng_pitchAng(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "degrees"; :comment = "Vehicle pitch"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_mag_z(magnetometer_data_point=2520); :comment = "magnetometer z"; :platform = "glider"; :instrument = "magnetometer"; double eng_mag_y(magnetometer_data_point=2520); :comment = "magnetometer y"; :platform = "glider"; :instrument = "magnetometer"; double eng_mag_x(magnetometer_data_point=2520); :comment = "magnetometer x"; :platform = "glider"; :instrument = "magnetometer"; double eng_head(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "degrees"; :comment = "Vehicle heading (magnetic)"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_elaps_t_0000(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "seconds"; :comment = "Elapsed seconds since start of mission"; :standard_name = "time"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_elaps_t(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "seconds"; :comment = "Elapsed seconds since start of dive"; :standard_name = "time"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_depth(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "cm"; :positive = "down"; :standard_name = "depth"; :comment = "Measured vertical distance below the surface"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_contopt_pO2(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "mbar"; :instrument = "contopt"; :comment = "partial pressure of O2 as reported by instrument"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_contopt_Temp(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "degrees_Celsius"; :instrument = "contopt"; :comment = "As reported by instrument"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_contopt_OxySat(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "percent"; :instrument = "contopt"; :comment = "Oxygen saturation As reported by instrument"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_contopt_Dphi(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "degrees"; :instrument = "contopt"; :comment = "as reported by the instrument"; :platform = "glider"; double eng_GC_phase(sg_data_point=2520); :flag_meanings = "pitch vbd active_roll passive_roll roll_back passive"; :platform = "glider"; :flag_values = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; // int double east_displacement_gsm(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "meters"; :comment = "Eastward displacement from gsm"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double east_displacement(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "meters"; :comment = "Eastward displacement from hdm"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double dissolved_oxygen_sat(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "micromoles/kg"; :comment = "Calculated saturation value for oxygen given measured presure and corrected temperature, and salinity"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; char depth_avg_curr_qc(string_1=1); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust the dive depth-average current values and displacements"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; double depth(sg_data_point=2520); :comment = "Depth below the surface, corrected for average latitude"; :positive = "down"; :platform = "glider"; :standard_name = "depth"; :units = "meters"; :axis = "Z"; double density_insitu(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "g/m^3"; :comment = "Sea water in-situ density based on pressure"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double density(sg_data_point=2520); :comment = "Sea water potential density"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :ref_pressure = "0"; :platform = "glider"; :standard_name = "sea_water_density"; :units = "g/m^3"; double ctd_time(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00"; :comment = "Time of CTD sample in GMT epoch format"; :standard_name = "time"; :axis = "T"; :platform = "glider"; double ctd_pressure(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "dbar"; :comment = "Pressure at CTD thermistor"; :standard_name = "sea_water_pressure"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double ctd_depth(sg_data_point=2520); :comment = "CTD thermistor depth corrected for average latitude"; :positive = "down"; :platform = "glider"; :standard_name = "depth"; :units = "meters"; :axis = "Z"; double contopt_results_time(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00"; :comment = "time for Contros Optode in GMT epoch format"; :standard_name = "time"; :platform = "glider"; :instrument = "contopt"; char contopt_qc(string_1=1); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust the Contros optode results"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; double contopt_instrument_dissolved_oxygen(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "micromoles/kg"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double :platform = "glider"; :comment = "Dissolved oxygen concentration reported from instrument"; :instrument = "contopt"; char contopt_dissolved_oxygen_qc(sg_data_point=2520); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust each Contros optode dissolved oxygen value"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; :platform = "glider"; :instrument = "contopt"; double contopt_dissolved_oxygen(sg_data_point=2520); :comment = "Dissolved oxygen concentration"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double :instrument = "contopt"; :platform = "glider"; :standard_name = "mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water"; :units = "micromoles/kg"; char contopt(string_7=7); :long_name = "underway oxygen sensor"; :ancillary_variables = "temperature salinity eng(contopt: Dphi, pO2, Temp) sg_cal_contopt_A_* sg_cal_contopt_B_* sg_cal_contopt_C_0 sg_cal_contopt_CC_*"; :make_model = "Contros HydroFlash O2"; :nodc_name = "optode"; char conductivity_raw_qc(sg_data_point=2520); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust each raw conductivity value"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double conductivity_raw(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "S/m"; :comment = "Uncorrected conductivity"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; char conductivity_qc(sg_data_point=2520); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust each corrected conductivity value"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double conductivity(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "S/m"; :comment = "Conductivity corrected for anomalies"; :standard_name = "sea_water_electrical_conductivity"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; double buoyancy(sg_data_point=2520); :units = "g"; :comment = "Buoyancy of vehicle, corrected for compression effects"; :coordinates = "ctd_time longitude latitude ctd_depth"; :platform = "glider"; char GPSE_qc(string_1=1); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust the final GPS information"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; char GPS2_qc(string_1=1); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust the GPS2 information"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; char GPS1_qc(string_1=1); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust the GPS1 information"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; char CTD_qc(string_1=1); :flag_meanings = "QC_NO_CHANGE QC_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_GOOD QC_PROBABLY_BAD QC_BAD QC_CHANGED QC_UNSAMPLED QC_INTERPOLATED QC_MISSING"; :comment = "Whether to trust the corrected CTD values"; :flag_values = "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9"; // global attributes: :quality_control_version = 1.12f; // float :base_station_micro_version = 4475; // int :time_coverage_resolution = "PT1S"; :geospatial_vertical_max = 663.2645638008191; // double :mission = 10; // int :geospatial_lat_units = "degrees"; :geospatial_lon_units = "degrees"; :references = ""; :seaglider_software_version = 66.12f; // float :Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0"; :keywords = "Water Temperature, Conductivity, Salinity, Density, Potential Density, Potential Temperature"; :summary = "SG637 Eurec4a"; :id = "p6370023_20200126"; :naming_authority = "edu.washington.apl"; :project = "Eurec4a"; :geospatial_lat_max = 14.23976841489598; // double :uuid = "287ebe8a-407a-11ea-99f6-94188277d9d8"; :source = "Seaglider SG637"; :standard_name_vocabulary = "CF-1.6"; :file_version = 2.71f; // float :glider = 637; // int :platform = "glider"; :instrument = "magnetometer sbe41 contopt wlseaowl "; :processing_level = "1.120000"; :nodc_template_version = "NODC_NetCDF_Trajectory_Template_v0.9"; :featureType = "trajectory"; :base_station_version = 2.9f; // float :keywords_vocabulary = "NASA/GCMD Earth Science Keywords Version"; :start_time = 1.580056448E9; // double :geospatial_lat_min = 14.23849143185095; // double :geospatial_lat_resolution = "seconds"; :time_coverage_start = "2020-01-26T16:01:31Z"; :geospatial_vertical_positive = "no"; :date_created = "2020-01-26T20:01:39Z"; :institution = "Applied Physics Lab\nUniversity of Washington\nSeattle, WA"; :geospatial_lon_max = -57.36576388880676; // double :geospatial_lon_min = -57.36880909089494; // double :geospatial_lon_resolution = "seconds"; :geospatial_vertical_resolution = "centimeter"; :license = "These data may be redistributed and used without restriction."; :date_modified = "2020-01-26T20:01:39Z"; :time_coverage_end = "2020-01-26T20:01:58Z"; :Conventions = "CF-1.6"; :platform_id = "SG637"; :cdm_data_type = "Trajectory"; :geospatial_vertical_min = 0.9806686673579427; // double :title = "Physical, chemical, and biological data collected from Seaglider SG637 during Eurec4a deployed on 2020-01-26"; :geospatial_vertical_units = "meter"; :dive_number = 23; // int :history = "Processing start:\nWARNING: No trustworthy GPS values; assuming average latitude of 14.2 degrees\nWARNING: $GPS2 untrustworthy; assuming magnetic variance of -16.0 degrees\nINFO: Changed (429/2520) 2 3 12 421 427 431 432 437 444 490 510 515 516 ... to QC_PROBABLY_BAD because raw temperature spikes\nINFO: Changed (1/2520) 2520 to QC_BAD because raw salinity below bound\nINFO: Changed (1/2520) 2520 to QC_BAD because bad raw salinity indicates raw conductivity issues\nINFO: Changed (59/2520) 381 418 420 422 428 430 489 526 533 579 582 586 ... to QC_PROBABLY_BAD because raw conductivity spikes\nINFO: Changed (429/2520) 2 3 12 421 427 431 432 437 444 490 510 515 516 ... to QC_PROBABLY_BAD because changed raw temp implies changed raw salinity\nINFO: Changed (44/2520) 381 418 420 422 428 430 489 526 533 579 582 599 ... to QC_PROBABLY_BAD because changed raw cond implies changed raw salinity\nINFO: Changed (429/2520) 2 3 12 421 427 431 432 437 444 490 510 515 516 ... to QC_INTERPOLATED because temperature spikes\nINFO: Changed (1/2520) 2520 to QC_BAD because salinity below bound\nINFO: Changed (1/2520) 2520 to QC_BAD because bad salinity indicates conductivity issues\nINFO: Changed (59/2520) 381 418 420 422 428 430 489 526 533 579 582 586 ... to QC_INTERPOLATED because conductivity spikes\nWARNING: Mass of vehicle in sg_calib_constants (56142.5) does not match $MASS in log file (56142.0); using sg_calib_constants\nINFO: SUGGESTION: 23 bad_temperature data_points between 6 120 % possible wafting warm water on dive at 3 points\nINFO: SUGGESTION: 23 bad_temperature data_points between 120 214 % possible wafting warm water on dive at 67 points\nINFO: Changed (61/2520) 1798:1858 to QC_BAD because slow apogee CT flow\nINFO: Changed (13/2520) 1:13 to QC_BAD because prior to dive start\nINFO: Changed (1/2520) 2519 to QC_BAD because end of climb\nINFO: Changed (76/2520) 1:13 1798:1858 2519 2520 to QC_BAD because bad corrected temperature and conductivity suggests bad salinity\nINFO: Changed (76/2520) 1:13 1798:1858 2519 2520 to QC_BAD because changed corrected salin implies changed speed\nINFO: TSV: 0 208 stalled points 212 536 542 547 568 588 594 600 601 613 625 631 637 640 643 656 662 663 669 682 698 724 726 732 746 771 806 808 811 816 821 823 824 826 871 1102 1104 1265 1291 1344 1368 1601 1715 1717 1761 2356:2518\nINFO: TSV: 1 19 stalled points 2337:2355\nINFO: TSV: 2 6 stalled points 2331:2336\nINFO: TSV: 3 1 stalled points 2330\nINFO: TSV exiting after 9 iterations\nINFO: Changed (5/2520) 2325:2329 to QC_PROBABLY_BAD because TS bad extrapolation\nINFO: Changed (1621/2520) 211 212 362:364 371:1797 2330:2518 to QC_PROBABLY_BAD because stalls avoid thermal-inertia salinity correction\nINFO: SUGGESTION: 23 interp_salinity data_points in_between 2003 2037 % suspect thermal-inertia points 2003\nINFO: SUGGESTION: 23 interp_salinity data_points in_between 2165 2175 % suspect thermal-inertia points 2166 2167\nINFO: SUGGESTION: 23 interp_salinity data_points in_between 2223 2234 % suspect thermal-inertia points 2232 2233\nINFO: SUGGESTION: 23 interp_salinity data_points in_between 2238 2253 % suspect thermal-inertia points 2243 2245:2253\nINFO: SUGGESTION: 23 interp_salinity data_points in_between 2272 2282 % suspect thermal-inertia points 2275:2282\nINFO: SUGGESTION: 23 interp_salinity data_points in_between 2284 2294 % suspect thermal-inertia points 2286:2294\nINFO: SUGGESTION: 23 interp_salinity data_points in_between 2296 2303 % suspect thermal-inertia points 2296:2303\nINFO: SUGGESTION: 23 interp_salinity data_points in_between 2305 2308 % suspect thermal-inertia points 2305:2308\nINFO: SUGGESTION: 23 interp_salinity data_points in_between 2310 2312 % suspect thermal-inertia points 2310:2312\nINFO: SUGGESTION: 23 interp_salinity data_points in_between 2314 2321 % suspect thermal-inertia points 2314:2321\nINFO: SUGGESTION: 23 interp_salinity data_points in_between 2323 2323 % suspect thermal-inertia points 2323\nINFO: 76 (3.02%) HDM speeds are QC_BAD; 1621 (64.33%) are stalled (2520)\nINFO: Changed (412/2520) 421 427 431 432 437 444 490 510 515 516 518 519 ... to QC_INTERPOLATED because changed corrected temp implies changed speed\nINFO: Average estimated final speed: 8.88 cm/s\nINFO: RMS observed vs. computed w: 7.61 cm/s\nINFO: Starting sensor extensions data processing\nWARNING: Couldn\'d find all variables - nothing to process\nWARNING: Couldn\'d find all variables - nothing to process\nWARNING: Couldn\'d find all variables - nothing to process\nINFO: Changed (2520/2520) 1:2520 to QC_UNSAMPLED because unsampled Contros oyxgen\nINFO: Changed (76/2520) 1:13 1798:1858 2519 2520 to QC_BAD because changed salinity implies changed Contros oxygen\nINFO: Starting sensor_data_processing on file \nINFO: No ARO-FT data found in Results data - bailing out\nINFO: Finished sensor extensions data processing\nINFO: Estimated total flight and drift time: 13046.4s (SM: 0.0s)\nWARNING: Unable to determine surface drift\nWARNING: Nominal flight parameters used to estimate DAC; probably bad\nINFO: RAFOS or Iridium fix: Not computing QC_BAD depth-average current.\n"; }