netcdf EUREC4A/SHIPS/RV-ATALANTE/OCARINA/PROCESSED/ { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED; // (2042 currently) variables: double Time(time=2042); :units = "seconds since 2020-1-1 00:00:0.0"; :time_origin = "2020-1-1 00:00:0.0"; :long_name = "time"; :calendar = "gregorian"; :axis = "T"; :_CoordinateAxisType = "Time"; :_ChunkSizes = 512U; // uint double lon(time=2042); :long_name = "longitude"; :standard_name = "longitude"; :units = "degrees_east"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double lat(time=2042); :long_name = "latitude"; :standard_name = "latitude"; :units = "degrees_north"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double pair(time=2042); :long_name = "Air pressure"; :standard_name = "air_pressure"; :units = "hPa"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double tair(time=2042); :long_name = "Air Temperature"; :standard_name = "air_temperature"; :units = "degC"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double hur(time=2042); :long_name = "Relative air humidity"; :standard_name = "relative_humidity"; :units = "1"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double sst(time=2042); :long_name = "SST"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_temperature"; :units = "degC"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double rho(time=2042); :long_name = "Density of air"; :standard_name = "air_density"; :units = "kg m-3"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double rlds(time=2042); :standard_name = "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air"; :long_name = "downwelling longwave radiation flux, positive downward"; :units = "W m-2"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double rlus(time=2042); :standard_name = "surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air"; :long_name = "upwelling longwave radiation flux, positive upward"; :units = "W m-2"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double rsds(time=2042); :standard_name = "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air"; :units = "W m-2"; :long_name = "downwelling shortwave radiation flux, positive downward"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double rsus(time=2042); :units = "W m-2"; :long_name = "upwelling shortwave radiation flux, positive upward"; :standard_name = "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double wdir(time=2042); :units = "degrees"; :long_name = "Direction of the wind vector with respect to ground, measured positive clockwise from due north"; :standard_name = "wind_to_direction"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double wspd(time=2042); :long_name = "Magnitude of wind velocity with respect to ground"; :standard_name = "wind_speed"; :units = "m s-1"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double u10n(time=2042); :long_name = "Equivalent neutral wind extrapolated at a 10-m height, from eddy-covariance calculation"; :standard_name = "neutral_10m_wind_speed"; :units = "m s-1"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double hsw(time=2042); :long_name = "Significant wave height, calculated as four times the square root of the integration of the vertical platform velocity"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_significant_height"; :units = "m"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double hsw_day(time=2042); :units = "m"; :long_name = "daily estimate of the significant wave height, calculated as four times the square root of the integration of the vertical platform velocity"; :standard_name = "daily_sea_surface_wave_significant_height"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double Tsw(time=2042); :long_name = "Inverse of the frequency at the maximum of the power spectrum of the vertical platform velocity (experimental)"; :units = "s"; :standard_name = "sea_surface_wave_mean_period"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double Tsw_day(time=2042); :long_name = "Daily estimate of the inverse of the frequency at the maximum of the power spectrum of the vertical platform velocity (experimental)"; :standard_name = "daily_sea_surface_wave_mean_period"; :units = "s"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double tauu(time=2042); :long_name = "Eastward component of the surface wind stress vector, from eddy-covariance calculation"; :standard_name = "surface_downward_eastward_stress"; :units = "Pa"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double tauv(time=2042); :long_name = "Northward component of the surface wind stress vector, from eddy-covariance calculation"; :standard_name = "surface_downward_northward_stress"; :units = "Pa"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double ustar(time=2042); :long_name = "Turbulent surface friction velocity, from eddy-covariance calculation"; :standard_name = "friction_velocity"; :units = "m s-1"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double hsv(time=2042); :long_name = "Turbulent surface buoyancy flux, from eddy-covariance calculation"; :standard_name = "buoyancy_flux"; :units = "W m-2"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double zL(time=2042); :long_name = "Monin-Obukhov ratio, which quantifies surface boundary layer stability, from eddy-covariance calculation"; :standard_name = "Monin_Obukhov_ratio"; :units = "1"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double ustar_bulk(time=2042); :long_name = "Turbulent surface friction velocity, COARE 3.0 (please see header) drag parameterization adjusted to OCARINA data"; :standard_name = "bulk_friction_velocity"; :units = "m s-1"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double hsv_bulk(time=2042); :long_name = "Turbulent surface buoyancy flux, positive upward, from bulk calculation"; :standard_name = "bulk_buoyancy_flux"; :units = "W m-2"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double hfss_bulk(time=2042); :long_name = "Turbulent surface sensible heat flux, positive upward, from bulk calculation"; :standard_name = "bulk_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux"; :units = "W m-2"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double hfls_bulk(time=2042); :long_name = "Turbulent surface latent heat flux, positive upward, from bulk calculation"; :standard_name = "bulk_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux"; :units = "W m-2"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double zL_bulk(time=2042); :long_name = "Monin-Obukhov ratio, which quantifies surface boundary layer stability, from bulk calculation"; :standard_name = "bulk_Monin_Obukhov_ratio"; :units = "1"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double ustar_id(time=2042); :long_name = "Turbulent surface friction velocity, from inertial-dissipation calculation, with a constant imbalance term applied (please see header)"; :standard_name = "inertial_dissipation_friction_velocity"; :units = "m s-1"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double hsv_id(time=2042); :long_name = "Turbulent surface buoyancy flux, from inertial-dissipation calculation, with a constant imbalance term applied (please see header)"; :standard_name = "inertial_dissipation_buoyancy_flux"; :units = "W m-2"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double zL_id(time=2042); :long_name = "Monin-Obukhov ratio, which quantifies surface boundary layer stability, from inertial-dissipation calculation, with a constant imbalance term applied (please see header)"; :standard_name = "inertial_dissipation_Monin_Obukhov_ratio"; :units = "1"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double cdn10(time=2042); :long_name = "10-m neutral surface drag coefficient, from eddy-covariance calculation (x1000)"; :standard_name = "surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air"; :units = "1"; :_ChunkSizes = 511U; // uint double z; :standard_name = "z"; :long_name = "Height above sea level for wind data (sonic anemometer) "; :units = "m"; double zt; :standard_name = "zt"; :long_name = "Height above sea level for weather station data (temperature, pressure, and humidity) "; :units = "m"; double zd; :standard_name = "zd"; :long_name = "Depth of SST data"; :units = "m"; String station_name; :long_name = "station_name"; :cf_role = "timeseries_id"; // global attributes: :description = "2020-12-08_11-34_EUREC4A_OCARINA1_2020_1100_60_REF"; :title = "OCARINA EUREC4A 2020 experiment, prototype 1, level 2 surface and air-sea turbulent fluxes"; :platform = "OCARINA wave-following air-sea flux platform prototype #1"; :history = "Created 08/12/20"; :production = "MIO / OSU Pytheas"; :contact = "Denis Bourras ("; :source = "OCARINA-Albatros flux data set"; :institution = "MIO, CNRS"; :doi = "pending"; :landing_page = "pending"; :infoUrl = "pending"; :references = "Bourras et al. (2020), Technical report LASIF 2020-04DB"; :summary = "Turbulent air-sea fluxes and associated variables from the OCARINA wave-following and drifting platform (Bourras et al. 2014, DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00055.)"; :featureType = "TimeSeries"; :cdm_data_type = "TimeSeries"; :Conventions = "CF-1.6"; :cdm_timeseries_variables = "station_name,latitude,longitude"; :averaging_time = "All data are averaged over 1100-second intervals"; :start_time = "Time of data indicates the beginning of a 1100-second interval"; :sliding_averages = "time step is set to 60 seconds"; :data_processing = "Bulk fluxes only, obtained with a modified version of the COARE 3.0 (Fairall et al. 2003,;2) algorithm."; :instruments = "Seabird SBE37-SI, Xsens MTI-G, Gill R3-50, Vaisala WXT-520, Campbell CNR4"; }