netcdf MAESTRO/SATELLITES/MTG/ { dimensions: ny1km = 11136; nx1km = 11136; ny4km = 2784; nx4km = 2784; Numerical_count = 65536; variables: short Albedo_to_Native_count_IR_013(Numerical_count=65536); :_FillValue = -9999S; // short :comment = "correspondance between coded albedo and hrit count. x between -32768 and 32767 cents of albedo. y between 0 and 4096."; :_ChunkSizes = 65536U; // uint short Albedo_to_Native_count_IR_016(Numerical_count=65536); :_FillValue = -9999S; // short :comment = "correspondance between coded albedo and hrit count. x between -32768 and 32767 cents of albedo. y between 0 and 4096."; :_ChunkSizes = 65536U; // uint short Albedo_to_Native_count_IR_022(Numerical_count=65536); :_FillValue = -9999S; // short :comment = "correspondance between coded albedo and hrit count. x between -32768 and 32767 cents of albedo. y between 0 and 4096."; :_ChunkSizes = 65536U; // uint short Albedo_to_Native_count_VIS004(Numerical_count=65536); :_FillValue = -9999S; // short :comment = "correspondance between coded albedo and hrit count. x between -32768 and 32767 cents of albedo. y between 0 and 4096."; :_ChunkSizes = 65536U; // uint short Albedo_to_Native_count_VIS005(Numerical_count=65536); :_FillValue = -9999S; // short :comment = "correspondance between coded albedo and hrit count. x between -32768 and 32767 cents of albedo. y between 0 and 4096."; :_ChunkSizes = 65536U; // uint short Albedo_to_Native_count_VIS006(Numerical_count=65536); :_FillValue = -9999S; // short :comment = "correspondance between coded albedo and hrit count. x between -32768 and 32767 cents of albedo. y between 0 and 4096."; :_ChunkSizes = 65536U; // uint short Albedo_to_Native_count_VIS008(Numerical_count=65536); :_FillValue = -9999S; // short :comment = "correspondance between coded albedo and hrit count. x between -32768 and 32767 cents of albedo. y between 0 and 4096."; :_ChunkSizes = 65536U; // uint short Albedo_to_Native_count_VIS009(Numerical_count=65536); :comment = "correspondance between coded albedo and hrit count. x between -32768 and 32767 cents of albedo. y between 0 and 4096."; :_FillValue = -9999S; // short :_ChunkSizes = 65536U; // uint char GeosCoordinateSystem1km; :_CoordinateTransforms = "geos"; :spatial_ref = "PROJCS[\"unnamed\",GEOGCS[\"unamed ellipse \",DATUM[\"unknown\",SPHEROID[\"unamed\",6378169,295.488065897]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION[\"Geostationary_Satellite\"],PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"satellite_height\",3.57864E7],PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",0],PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0],UNIT[\"meter\",1]]"; :_CoordinateAxes = "Y1km X1km"; :GeoTransform = "-5567999.998550751, 999.9999997397183, 0, 5567999.998550751, 0, -999.9999997397183"; char GeosCoordinateSystem4km; :spatial_ref = "PROJCS[\"unnamed\",GEOGCS[\"unamed ellipse \",DATUM[\"unknown\",SPHEROID[\"unamed\",6378169,295.488065897]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION[\"Geostationary_Satellite\"],PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"satellite_height\",3.57864E7],PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",0],PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0],UNIT[\"meter\",1]]"; :GeoTransform = "-5567999.998550751, 3999.999998958873, 0, 5567999.998550751, 0, -3999.999998958873"; :_CoordinateAxes = "Y4km X4km"; :_CoordinateTransforms = "geos"; short IR_013(ny1km=11136, nx1km=11136); :_FillValue = -32768S; // short :_CoordinateSystems = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :grid_mapping = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :scale_factor = 0.01; // double :add_offset = 0.0; // double :valid_min = -32768S; // short :valid_max = 32767S; // short :available = "yes"; :CalibrationParametersOrigin = "Unknown"; :resolution = 1.0; // double :standard_name = "toa_bidirectional_reflectance"; :long_name = "1.38 microns visible channel MTG Imager"; :units = "1"; :comment = "channel 5. No solar correction."; :bandfactor = 22.17766673398624; // double :Offset_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = -1.0231029f; // float :Slope_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = 0.00501521f; // float :_ChunkSizes = 1392U, 1392U; // uint short IR_016(ny1km=11136, nx1km=11136); :_FillValue = -32768S; // short :_CoordinateSystems = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :grid_mapping = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :scale_factor = 0.01; // double :add_offset = 0.0; // double :valid_min = -32768S; // short :valid_max = 32767S; // short :available = "yes"; :CalibrationParametersOrigin = "Unknown"; :resolution = 1.0; // double :standard_name = "toa_bidirectional_reflectance"; :long_name = "1.61 microns visible channel MTG Imager"; :units = "1"; :comment = "channel 6. No solar correction."; :bandfactor = 20.172524760142; // double :Offset_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = -1.163378f; // float :Slope_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = 0.005702833f; // float :_ChunkSizes = 1392U, 1392U; // uint short IR_022(ny1km=11136, nx1km=11136); :_FillValue = -32768S; // short :_CoordinateSystems = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :grid_mapping = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :scale_factor = 0.01; // double :add_offset = 0.0; // double :valid_min = -32768S; // short :valid_max = 32767S; // short :available = "yes"; :CalibrationParametersOrigin = "Unknown"; :resolution = 1.0; // double :standard_name = "toa_bidirectional_reflectance"; :long_name = "2.25 microns visible channel MTG Imager"; :units = "1"; :comment = "channel 7. No solar correction."; :bandfactor = 11.61328382647923; // double :Offset_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = -0.6697556f; // float :Slope_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = 0.003283116f; // float :_ChunkSizes = 1392U, 1392U; // uint char ImageNavigation1km; :CFAC = 4.093316350596011E7; // double :LFAC = 4.093316350596011E7; // double :COFF = 5568.5; // double :LOFF = 5568.5; // double char ImageNavigation4km; :CFAC = 1.0233290876490027E7; // double :LFAC = 1.0233290876490027E7; // double :COFF = 1392.5; // double :LOFF = 1392.5; // double short VIS004(ny1km=11136, nx1km=11136); :_FillValue = -32768S; // short :_CoordinateSystems = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :grid_mapping = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :scale_factor = 0.01; // double :add_offset = 0.0; // double :valid_min = -32768S; // short :valid_max = 32767S; // short :available = "yes"; :CalibrationParametersOrigin = "Unknown"; :resolution = 1.0; // double :standard_name = "toa_bidirectional_reflectance"; :long_name = "0.444 microns visible channel MTG Imager"; :units = "1"; :comment = "channel 0. No solar correction."; :bandfactor = 11.921782525375251; // double :Offset_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = -0.8250572f; // float :Slope_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = 0.004044398f; // float :_ChunkSizes = 1392U, 1392U; // uint short VIS005(ny1km=11136, nx1km=11136); :_FillValue = -32768S; // short :_CoordinateSystems = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :grid_mapping = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :scale_factor = 0.01; // double :add_offset = 0.0; // double :valid_min = -32768S; // short :valid_max = 32767S; // short :available = "yes"; :CalibrationParametersOrigin = "Unknown"; :resolution = 1.0; // double :standard_name = "toa_bidirectional_reflectance"; :long_name = "0.51 microns visible channel MTG Imager"; :units = "1"; :comment = "channel 1. No solar correction."; :bandfactor = 15.719302134086309; // double :Offset_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = -1.0878679f; // float :Slope_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = 0.005332686f; // float :_ChunkSizes = 1392U, 1392U; // uint short VIS006(ny1km=11136, nx1km=11136); :_FillValue = -32768S; // short :_CoordinateSystems = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :grid_mapping = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :scale_factor = 0.01; // double :add_offset = 0.0; // double :valid_min = -32768S; // short :valid_max = 32767S; // short :available = "yes"; :CalibrationParametersOrigin = "Unknown"; :resolution = 1.0; // double :standard_name = "toa_bidirectional_reflectance"; :long_name = "0.64 microns visible channel MTG Imager"; :units = "1"; :comment = "channel 2. No solar correction."; :bandfactor = 21.126055595951353; // double :Offset_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = -1.4620467f; // float :Slope_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = 0.007166896f; // float :_ChunkSizes = 1392U, 1392U; // uint short VIS008(ny1km=11136, nx1km=11136); :_FillValue = -32768S; // short :_CoordinateSystems = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :grid_mapping = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :scale_factor = 0.01; // double :add_offset = 0.0; // double :valid_min = -32768S; // short :valid_max = 32767S; // short :available = "yes"; :CalibrationParametersOrigin = "Unknown"; :resolution = 1.0; // double :standard_name = "toa_bidirectional_reflectance"; :long_name = "0.865 microns visible channel MTG Imager"; :units = "1"; :comment = "channel 3. No solar correction."; :bandfactor = 23.24570432519302; // double :Offset_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = -1.608739f; // float :Slope_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = 0.007885976f; // float :_ChunkSizes = 1392U, 1392U; // uint short VIS009(ny1km=11136, nx1km=11136); :_FillValue = -32768S; // short :_CoordinateSystems = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :grid_mapping = "GeosCoordinateSystem1km"; :scale_factor = 0.01; // double :add_offset = 0.0; // double :valid_min = -32768S; // short :valid_max = 32767S; // short :available = "yes"; :CalibrationParametersOrigin = "Unknown"; :resolution = 1.0; // double :standard_name = "toa_bidirectional_reflectance"; :long_name = "0.914 microns visible channel MTG Imager"; :units = "1"; :comment = "channel 4. No solar correction."; :bandfactor = 22.9687689929255; // double :Offset_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = -1.0597155f; // float :Slope_:_radiance_=_offset_+_CN_x_slope = 0.005194684f; // float :_ChunkSizes = 1392U, 1392U; // uint float X1km(nx1km=11136); :standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate"; :units = "m"; :_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoX"; :_ChunkSizes = 11136U; // uint float X4km(nx4km=2784); :_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoX"; :standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate"; :units = "m"; :_ChunkSizes = 2784U; // uint float Y1km(ny1km=11136); :_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoY"; :standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate"; :units = "m"; :_ChunkSizes = 11136U; // uint float Y4km(ny4km=2784); :_CoordinateAxisType = "GeoY"; :standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate"; :units = "m"; :_ChunkSizes = 2784U; // uint char commentaires; :xx_to_native_count = "Pour passer des temperatures ou albedos vers les comptes natifs et reappliquer une autre calibration"; :nuc = "Pour passer des radiances aux temperatures de brillance"; :alpha = "Pour passer des radiances aux temperatures de brillance"; :beta = "Pour passer des radiances aux temperatures de brillance"; :slope = "Pour passer des comptes numeriques aux radiances"; :offset = "Pour passer des comptes numeriques aux radiances"; :bandfactor = "Pour passer des radiances aux reflectances"; short dtime(ny4km=2784, nx4km=2784); :_FillValue = -9999S; // short :long_name = "time offset"; :units = "seconds"; :comment = "time scan = time + dtime"; :_CoordinateSystems = "GeosCoordinateSystem4km"; :grid_mapping = "GeosCoordinateSystem4km"; :resolution = 4.0; // double :_ChunkSizes = 1392U, 1392U; // uint char geos; :grid_mapping_name = "vertical_perspective"; :_CoordinateTransformType = "Projection"; :latitude_of_projection_origin = 0.0; // double :longitude_of_projection_origin = 0.0; // double :perspective_point_height = 4.2164E7; // double :false_easting = 0.0; // double :false_northing = 0.0; // double :grid_north_pole_latitude = 90.0; // double :grid_north_pole_longitude = 0.0; // double :inverse_flattening = 295.488065897; // double :longitude_of_central_meridian = 0.0; // double :longitude_of_prime_meridian = 0.0; // double :north_pole_grid_latitude = 90.0; // double :scale_factor_at_central_meridian = 1.0; // double :scale_factor_at_projection_origin = 1.0; // double :semi_major_axis = 6378169.0; // double :semi_minor_axis = 6356583.8; // double :standard_parallel = 0.0; // double :straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole = 0.0; // double :height_above_earth = 3.57864E7; // double :_CoordinateAxisTypes = "Y X"; char satellite; :id = "MTG01"; :lat = -0.4; // double :lon = -3.6; // double :dst = 3.57864E7; // double double time; :units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00"; :comment = "Unix hour (begin of acquisition or file s hour)"; :Ascii_hour_of_time_reference = "2024-01-10T12:00:00Z"; :_FillValue = -9999.0; // double :long_name = "reference time"; :standard_name = "time"; // global attributes: :title = "MTG dataset"; :history = "Created on 2024-01-10 12:15 by CMS-Lannion : Sat2Netcdf -ncml file:/A3/mtg/app/NC2NetcdfFdhsi/produits/mtgi1.ncml cycle_mtgi1_20240110_120000/"; :institution = "Meteo-France - Centre de Meteorologie Spatiale"; :source = "MTG Netcdf File from direct read out"; :comment = "Status experimental"; :references = "none"; :converted_by = "Sat2Netcdf Version 1.0"; :iospInformation = "NetcdfMTGIosp Version 1.0"; :Netcdf-java_Information = "Version 4.2"; :Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0"; :summary = "MTG01 Imager dataset"; :keywords = "atmosphere geostationary satellite"; :keywords_vocabulary = "GEMET - INSPIRE themes"; :id = "20240110_20000"; :naming_authority = "CMS-Lannion"; :cdm_data_type = "NetCDF"; :date_created = "2024-01-10 12:15"; :creator_name = "CMS-Lannion"; :creator_url = ""; :creator_email = ""; :geospatial_lat_min = -81.1727f; // float :geospatial_lat_max = 81.1727f; // float :geospatial_lon_min = -81.1727f; // float :geospatial_lon_max = 81.1727f; // float :geospatial_vertical_min = 0.0f; // float :geospatial_vertical_max = 0.0f; // float :time_coverage_start = "2024-01-10T12:00:07Z"; :time_coverage_end = "2024-01-10T12:09:24Z"; :time_coverage_duration = "PT00H09M16S"; :time_coverage_resolution = "PT01S"; :license = "(C)METEO-FRANCE by courtesy of Eumetsat"; :Exploration_mode = 0; // int :List_of_acquisition's_areas = "globe, europe"; :Conventions = "CF-1.5"; :ncml_version = "2.2"; :Rate_of_valid_data = 97.2f; // float :Area_of_acquisition = "globe"; :Scanning_direction = "south to north"; }