netcdf data4papers/Lai-etal-2024b_data/ { dimensions: lat = 145; levp = 36; variables: float lat(lat=145); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :long_nheate = "latitude"; :units = "degree"; float levp(levp=36); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :long_nheate = "pressure"; :units = "Pa"; double DallFheaty(levp=36, lat=145); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :long_nheate = "Meridional heat flux term of total tides"; :units = "kg s-2"; double DallFheatz(levp=36, lat=145); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :long_nheate = "Vertical heat flux term of total tides"; :units = "kg s-2"; double DalldivFheaty(levp=36, lat=145); :long_nheate = "Meridional divergence (acceleration) of total tidal heat flux term"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double :units = "m s-1 day-1"; double DalldivFheatz(levp=36, lat=145); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :long_nheate = "Vertical divergence (acceleration) of total tidal heat flux term"; :units = "m s-1 day-1"; double D1Fheaty(levp=36, lat=145); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :long_nheate = "Meridional heat flux term of diurnal tide"; :units = "kg s-2"; double D1Fheatz(levp=36, lat=145); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :long_nheate = "Vertical heat flux term of diurnal tide"; :units = "kg s-2"; double D1divFheaty(levp=36, lat=145); :units = "m s-1 day-1"; :long_nheate = "Meridional divergence (acceleration) of diurnal tidal heat flux term"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double double D1divFheatz(levp=36, lat=145); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :long_nheate = "Vertical divergence (acceleration) of diurnal tidal heat flux term"; :units = "m s-1 day-1"; double D2Fheaty(levp=36, lat=145); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :long_nheate = "Meridional heat flux term of semidiurnal tide"; :units = "kg s-2"; double D2Fheatz(levp=36, lat=145); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :long_nheate = "Vertical heat flux term of semidiurnal tide"; :units = "kg s-2"; double D2divFheaty(levp=36, lat=145); :units = "m s-1 day-1"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double :long_nheate = "Meridional divergence (acceleration) of semidiurnal tidal heat flux term"; double D2divFheatz(levp=36, lat=145); :units = "m s-1 day-1"; :_FillValue = NaN; // double :long_nheate = "Vertical divergence (acceleration) of semidiurnal tidal heat flux term"; float levz(levp=36); :long_nheate = "Horizontal averaged geopotential height"; :units = "km"; :_FillValue = NaNf; // float // global attributes: :description = "Heat flux term of EP flux and its divergence of 5 Venus-day averaged total, diurnal and semidiurnal tides in Venus PCM"; }