netcdf data4papers/Vals_2022/ { dimensions: Time = 267; altitude = 101; variables: float longitude(Time=267); :units = "degrees_east"; :description = "East longitude"; float latitude(Time=267); :units = "degrees_north"; :description = "North latitude"; float loct(Time=267); :description = "Local time"; :units = "sol fraction"; float h2o_vap(Time=267, altitude=101); :description = "h2o vapour mmr"; :units = "kg/kg"; float h2o_ice(Time=267, altitude=101); :units = "kg/kg"; :description = "h2o ice mmr"; float hdo_vap(Time=267, altitude=101); :description = "hdo vapour mmr"; :units = "kg/kg"; float saturation(Time=267, altitude=101); :description = "Saturation"; :units = "dimless"; float temp(Time=267, altitude=101); :description = "Temperature"; :units = "K"; float rho(Time=267, altitude=101); :description = "Density"; :units = "kg/m3"; float Ls(Time=267); :description = "Solar Longitude"; :units = "degrees"; int altitude(altitude=101); :description = "Altitude above the areoid"; :units = "km"; // global attributes: :comment = "Concatenation of martian months 6 to 12 (Ls=180-360) of GCM outputs computed with MY34 dust load scenario. The file has been interpolated to a vertical grid in altitude above the areoid, and to the ACS coordinates. Photochemistry and extension to the thermosphere are turned on in this simulation."; }