How to analyse InSight pressure data to get the local and non local turbulence Part 1: basic case (to do first, called version "" or "1") (without removing vortex signature and with no limit on the higher frequency) ================================================================================ --------------------------------- STEP 1: DOWNLOAD DATA FROM PDS: --------------------------------- pressure Put them in a folder "pressure_data/" with internal folders with the blocks of sols downloaded (ie. "pressure_data/0000-0122/" for sols between 0 and 122). wind + temperature Put them in a folder "twins_data/" with internal folders with the blocks of sols downloaded (ie. "twins_data/0000-0122/" for sols between 0 and 122). ---------------------------------------- STEP 2: WITH USUAL INSIGHT DATA FILES: ---------------------------------------- for files with no stop or frequency change during the acquisition They have a frequency either 10 or 2 Hz (corresponding to files of 88 622 Ko or 17 704 Ko) pfreq = 10 or 2 1) run independent analysis on each day but it creates parasitic effects on boundaries between two days it saves pythons variables in a new folder for each sol: "pressure_stdev/Sol"+sol"/": lmst, ltst, pressure, pfreq, pmoy for 100s, pmoy for 1000s, pdev for 100s and pdev for 1000s it plots pressure over each sol (useful to check if the acquisition is complete or not) it computes (and can plot) the moving mean of the pressure over 100s and 1000s (pmoy) it computes (and can plot) the moving standard deviation of the pmoy variables called programs: mod_movingmean, mod_turbu, mod_dev, mod_simpleplot_data (for plot) and mod_superplot_data (for plot) At this stage, organize the sol folders in folders by months: eg. "pressure_stdev/0614-0668/Sol0668/" The months used for this study are: # 0000-0055 0056-0111 0112-0167 0168-0222 0223-0278 # 0279-0334 0335-0390 0391-0445 0446-0501 0502-0557 # 0558-0613 0614-0668 0669-0724 0725-0780 0781-0836 2) run it combines sols 2 by 2 to correct the boundary parasitic effects it puts NaNs if there is no data on next/previous sol called programs: mod_movingmean, mod_turbu, mod_dev it updates and saves the variables pmoy and pdev 3) results can be plotted using /!\ in this case of version "", these are not the exact local and non local turbulence presented in the paper. The other corrections have to be taken into account (see readme part 2 and readme part 3). it plots color surface with p_dev as a function of sol and hour it is possible to plot 1 month or 3 months (for that change the figure size in called programs: and there is also the version for plots over one year there is also the version for plots over 837 sols ------------------------------------------------------------------- STEP 3: WITH INSIGHT DATA FILES WITH STOPS DURING THE ACQUISITION ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) run [OLD MANUAL VERSION] 2) run to check the pressure acquisition frequency (usually 10 or 2) 3) choose the right blocks to run (possible to run several blocks if necessary): if there are "holes": it adds NaNs in p_moy and p_dev on the hole sides if there is no beginning or end: it adds NaNs to avoid pbs in corr_interday 4) add the "Sol####" folder into the corresponding monthly folder 5) run 6) run [NEW AUTOMATIC VERSION: BEST] 2) run it creates a variable (nocompletesol.npy) to indicate how the sol is problematic 3) run it works month by month /!\ for version 1, to run only once!!! (it adds supplementary NaNs) 4) run, or for no vortex cases 5) run ----------------------------------------------------- STEP 4: WITH INSIGHT DATA FILES WITH PFREQ CHANGE ----------------------------------------------------- before For version 1: Use with For the other versions: Use with